Evolves providing quality products with technology advanced
IMECO S.A. is an Argentine company with a long history, specialized in the manufacture of implants, prostheses and instruments for orthopedic surgery, as well as their distribution throughout the world. Since its inception, it has been based on its technological development applied to the manufacture of implants, taking international quality standards as a reference standard.
Based on our program of continuous growth and excellence in products, we will place Argentina among the most important references in the world in the surgical implant industry, bringing the highest quality to the local and international market, reaching and exceeding the highest standards international. Thus giving our local market the possibility of having nationally produced implants of the highest quality and safety.

Surgical prostheses
- Cranioplasty
- Column
- Superior member
- Lower member
- Osteosynthesis
- To measure
- Associated instrumental

Our brands
Surgical prostheses
Human and animal prosthetics
We are the most reliable local benchmark for professionals and patients, due to the quality of its products, constant innovation and growth.
Guaranteeing the provision of international quality products, manufactured under the certification of ISO 9001 standards, which places us at the level of the main companies in the world, winning international markets unthinkable for the local industry, which is reflected in the higher quality of service to the professional and a better quality of life for the patient.
Quality Certification

► (5411) 4729-1110
► Street Combet 7391 (C.P. B1655MID) José L. Suarez, Pcia. de Bs. As. - Argentina
► National sales: ventas@imeco.com.ar
► Foreign trade: info@imeco.com.ar
► Contact: info@imeco.com.ar
► Comments and suggestions: atencionalcliente@imeco.com.ar